Sunday, July 20, 2008

Test for mobile blogging :-).

Friday, July 18, 2008

LiveStrong Challenge...Portland 2008

June contained numerous family highlights. A long visit from sister Michele and her husband Justin was followed by Stephanie and the grandkids...the most welcome visit a grandma can have. Fun, fast, full of love. And time passes too quickly by far. We then all the trooped to Portland where Michele, Stephanie and I rode bicycles on the 70 mile LiveStrong Challenge in support of the Lance Armstrong Foundation. My third LiveStrong Challenge, 2008 was the most special for the shared experience with sister and daughter. And the grandkids met us at one of the rest stops with signs of support and encouragement.

In a single month an exciting and restoring trip with my husband, family visits, extended time with grandchildren and a shared effort for a good cause...can life be any sweeter?

Red Rock Adventure

Moab...Canyonlands...Capitol Reef...Escalante...Bryce...Zion - names that ring with stark desert beauty and red rock. Our trip through Southern Utah in May encompassed temperatures in the high 90's to snow. With Al on the Husky, mostly off road, I followed in the truck free to stop, stare and photograph the many wonders through which we passed. Arriving each evening at the motel with adventures to share the motorcycle riders were often dusty and dirty, but always exultant. I always had a camera full of new vistas. And refreshments :-). It was a relaxed and refreshing meander through spectacular country in the company of special friends old and new. Thank-you to Gary and Peggy, Tom, Ken and most especially to Al for a treasured memory.