Wednesday, August 6, 2008


And then came Ohio.

The Second Lance Armstrong Foundation Summit was held at Columbus, Ohio and I was privileged to not only be a return delegate but a member of the Steering Committee. Among the many highlights:
· Hearing Dr. Richard Carmona, 17th Surgeon General of the United States and currently of the Canyon Ranch Institute announce the National Call to Action on Cancer prevention and Survivorship. (
· Dr. Harold Freeman of the Ralph Lauren Cancer Center in Harlem gave the keynote speech.
· Stephanie Spielman, cancer survivor and spouse of football’s Chris Spielman who put his career on hold to care for Stephanie when she was diagnosed with breast cancer told of their cancer journey and their “Caregiver Award and Celebration”.
And the thousand delegates, all committed to fighting cancer at the grassroots and national levels, underwent many hours of training on the skills needed to build an effective movement for making the fight against cancer a national priority.

For a wonderful summary and lots of great pictures of the Summit visit the LiveStrong Blog at

And here is why this is as important to you as it has become important to me.

The numbers remain staggering:

1.4 million Americans are expected to be diagnosed with cancer this year.

Nearly 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.

560,000 Americans are expected to die from cancer this year, or more than 1500 each day…the equivalent of 9/11 every two days.

With the support of the Lance Armstrong Foundation we have begun the Lewiston/Clarkston Valley LiveStrong Army focused on raising public awareness for the need to make cancer a national priority, raising money and initiating projects that address cancer issues and providing services locally that respond to the needs of cancer survivors, family, friends and caregivers here in the Lewiston-Clarkston Valley. One of nearly two hundred local LiveStrong Armies nationwide we have:
· In cooperation with St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center, begun the first Cancer Support Group open to cancer survivors, caregivers, family and friends regardless of type of cancer. The LiveStrong Cancer Support group meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month at SJRMC at 7:00PM.
· In cooperation with the North Idaho Colorectal Cancer Coalition we will be at the Nez Perce County Fair with the Super Colon (yes, a walk through colon complete with polyps).
· We are assisting in the establishment of the Captain Cure Foundation to market Captain Cure Comics for children with cancer and use the funds to meet needs of local cancer patients.
· We will continue to provide speakers, fair and event booths and materials as part of our outreach and education program.
· We hope to provide local medical practitioners with materials to be given at diagnosis which can assist newly diagnosed patients in dealing with the many new issues and feelings they face.
· We are exploring cooperation with Immerman’s Angels to provide direct one-to one contact for the newly diagnosed with survivors by type of cancer, age, location or any other desired variable.

Most importantly, each of you is invited to participate. If you live in the Lewiston-Clarkston Valley, consider joining us the third Thursday of each month at 6:00 PM at the Wells Fargo Bank in downtown Lewiston (9th & Main). And spread the word to family and friends that the fight against cancer needs all of us. If you live out of the Valley, look for a local LiveStrong Group or contact me for information.

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