Saturday, January 2, 2016


Thanks Adele for the title and the comeback example. Me too.

I began this blog in 2007 because I genuinely like writing and I inevitably, perhaps endlessly, have 'stuff' to say. Being both opinionated and ruminative, the blog filled a space in my world that was at once outlet, reflection and battle cry. My sole New Year's resolution for 2016 is resuscitate this blog. Plus, my mind really does meander and it seemed time for a bit of discipline.

So Hello, It's Me. When last we spoke my life was consumed by the decline and eventual death of my Mother. It was a drawn out and painful chapter about which I will eventually write - later. Today, on a long and chilly walk, I paused to consider my place in the family. In particular the oddness of being the oldest living member of my birth family.

My sisters and I recognized at my Mother's death the common insight that there is no longer an "older generation" between us and our death. I don't think any of us were particularly troubled by this inescapable fact of life. And, yes, I have always realized I was the oldest sibling; advantage of which I have sometimes taken to my sisters' distress. Yet somehow today, having recently celebrated my 68th birthday, I have suddenly been struck by the fact that not only is there no generation in front of me, but that I am the oldest living member of my birth family.

This recognition was followed by both wonderment (wow, I really got here) and discomfort (wow, I really am here) and not a little of confusion (wow, how am I suppose to feel/act about this).

And that is probably about right; pleased and amazed to be here, awed by everything around me, waiting for the other shoe to drop and often uncertain how to behave but showing a good face. The story of my life in a nutshell.

I hope you all will stick with me on what is sure to be a peripatetic journey. Feel free to read older entries (I did before I wrote today) and comments are always welcome.