Sunday, November 20, 2016


 Dear Donald,

I'd like to talk to you about the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. The one you are about to swear to uphold. You have been around in our country seventy years and have been quoted as saying, "I was a great student. I was good at everything." So let's just call this emphasis learning.

Of course, I'm sure you know what the First Amendment says, but to review:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

The First Amendment is really pretty simple and very straightforward, but again, to review; let's take it one issue at a time.

In our United States there shall be no law about who or how you worship or even if you worship at all. Free exercise. For all. Regardless of belief. Seems obvious and, dare I say, inclusive. And, because we are a nation of immigrants, we have a lot of religions; too many to even name them all.   In fact, Founding Father and President Thomas Jefferson emphasized this tenet when he said, "I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between church and State." Let's call if personal. Our beliefs are personal and should stay that way.

And freedom of speech and press cannot be abridged. Abridged, that is curtailed, lessened, reduced, restricted. Each of us (including Broadway actors) may give our opinions freely. And the press is not only free to cover, investigate and report anything; our very democracy depends on the information they report. I can't stop them. You can't stop them. And if you try, we will know for sure that you are trying to destroy our country, because our very survival depends on the free flow of information we can get only from an active and unafraid press.

And here's the real kicker for you. You are a public official. So anybody can say anything about you and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. You better buck up buttercup. For a preview of what is in store please review the talk (including your own), letters, signs, effigys and often screams directed at President Obama. You didn't hear any whining from him so we will expect you to be at least as presidential.

Lastly, there is the right to peacefully assemble (parade, walk, march) and petition (protest, advocate). This is the way we use our free speech collectively. Sometimes it is hard to hear a voice when it is lost in millions of separate voices. But when those million voices speak as one, oh boy, that is powerful. Just like the Founding Fathers intended. If you've read Alexander Hamilton (Ron Chernow), you really understand how important this right and the others in the First Amendment are to the bedrock belief upon which our country stands. Or see the Broadway show, although since they are sold out for the next two years you might have to appeal to their clear sense of good citizenship to see it soon.

There you have it. The FIRST Amendment. The reason we have been able to take the diverse group of immigrants we all are and make a country. The UNITED States of America. If there hadn't been anyone to unite we could have just called ourselves, oh I don't know, the Confederated Tribes of Natives.

Now that you have reviewed the First Amendment of the Constitution, I expect you will want to revise your Twitter strategy. As President sworn to uphold the constitution you will want to model the appropriate behavior...just like President Obama did when confronted with speech or press that was hurtful or with which he disagreed. Let's try that here shall we?

Your Tweet:
"The cast and producers of Hamilton, which I hear is highly overrated, should immediately apologize to Mike Pence for their terrible behavior."

Revised in light of your presidential leadership recognizing the First Amendment:
"The cast and producers of Hamilton exercised their  First Amendment right to free speech tonight in a heartfelt message to Mike Pence."

Your Tweet:
"The Theater must always be a safe and special place. The cast of Hamilton was very rude last night to a very good man, Mike Pence. Apologize!"

 Revised in light of your presidential leadership recognizing the First Amendment:
"Glad the Theater is a safe place to exercise the free speech we all recognize. Keep it up!"

Your Tweet:
"Our wonderful future V.P. Mike Pence was harassed last night at the theater by the cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing.This should not happen!"

 Revised in light of your presidential leadership recognizing the First Amendment:
"Future V.P. Pence grateful to be publicly recognized & honored with cordial and sincere information on the people's concerns. Good  ideas!"

Thanks for your attention. I'll be happy to share my thoughts about our great, shared country anytime.

Marcia Banta
U.S. Citizen

I was a great student. I was good at everything.
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I was a great student. I was good at everything.
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I was a great student. I was good at everything.
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