Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Today The Work Begins

Today the real work of change begins.

Informed and inspired by my training at the Industrial Areas Foundation (founded by Saul Alinky) I became an organizer. Young and eager, I set out to empower others to right wrongs and build community. It was a glorious, if humbling, career full of Iron Rules (Never do for others what they can do for themselves.) and the hope that we were "the wind beneath your wings" when we encouraged, taught and moved others to action.

So, years later, no less committed, no less hopeful, but infinitely more is what I know:

Strong winds are hard to sustain, producing a less than steady climb - but a climb nevertheless.

There is no finish line. This is life, not a novel. Individually the only finish line is death. Collectively, we must learn and relearn truths, gain and regain progress, form and reform relationships.

No indiviual effort makes the critical difference, but all efforts are necessary to succeed.

We may become tired, discouraged and convinced of failure - but fortunately we won't all be there at the same time.

Sometimes we will be elated and hopeful beyond reason. That's OK too.

Occassionally, we will think before we act. Mostly that will end well and mostly we will be forgiven.

What we must always do is honor the humanity and the common cause of a diverse people; giving respect and never mistaking discord for destruction, yet hewing to our vision and values.

The work of change does not really begin today, it continues today. But it continues with greater hope, wider recognition and a new generation of believers.

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