Wednesday, June 8, 2016


For every dress I wore standing at the school bus stop in a winter snow storm. For every school sport in which I was not welcome. For the school counselor who, when I shared I wanted to be a biochemist, told me that I should be a special education teacher to use my science expertise.

For every paycheck I took home that was less because as a single mother I was not a (male)head of household/breadwinner. For every debate about whether business pantsuits, rather than dresses, might be acceptable work attire. For every time in a meeting I made a suggestion that received no response until, sometime later, a male colleague made the same suggestion. For the client that suggested I have a male staff person sign my letter to his boss so his (male) boss would pay attention.

For every quiet, personal doubt as the only female on an all male staff - one of few female staff in the entire country. For every time I sang "I Am Woman" for courage on my way to face an all male board or boss to resolve conflict on behalf of my clients. For never before having revealed that fact to even those closest to me.

For all those things and thousands more, large and small, the political is personal. On behalf of my generation and those strong women from the past upon which we stood...HALLELUJAH and thank you for persevering Hillary Clinton. May we all take a moment to celebrate and appreciate how truly remarkable the accomplishment today is for all women. May we celebrate again in November, Madam President.


michelemaines said...

For every big sister that showed the way...

Unknown said...

You were a ground breaker in your own right when you were IEA regional director. The local administrators didn't like you because you were a women, but you made them shake in their shoes because you knew the laws better than they did and weren't afraid to confront them for their incompetency.

Marcia Banta said...

Thanks Jim...I loved my job.